Saturday, February 16, 2008
Think Outside The Box
A lot of times when we try to figure out ways to make money from home, we forget that there are some very simple options out there that can help bring in extra money. I'm talking about finding that one thing that maybe only you like to do and figure out how to turn it into a great money-making side job. Granted I don't have a tremendous amount of ideas when it comes to this stuff but that's because things like this come from your own mind and figuring out what it is you wouldn't mind doing for a little extra money. If I had to come up with just a couple of ideas to help you get the marbles rolling in your own mind (so-to-speak) then I'd say to think about something like mowing a neighbor's yard that you see hiring a yard man on a regular basis. You know, people pay big money for companies to come out and mow their yards. I've heard of some paying as much as $60 for the average size yard. Think what you could offer for half that! Seriously, if it's someone that lives right near you, what does it really take to buzz their yard after or before doing your own and then you've just made $30. That can add up quickly over a month's time. Another idea is how some people like to make their own crafts such as wood products or even jewelry. Turn your hobby into money by marekting yourself on the web through websites such as Craigslist or eBay. You could also invest a little money in an ad to run weekly or even once a month in the newspaper. Bottom line is, it really isn't that difficult to find ways to make a little extra money so get out there and just do it. What do you have to lose?
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Blogs Can Be A Money Maker!
Typically I hear stories about making money with blogs or other similar things and I think, "NO WAY". I've had advice though that has steered me into believing that it does actually make you money. While I don't know a whole lot about it myself, what I would recommend is taking a look at the video I've attached below that will show you just how it's done. Watch and learn and in time you could be watching money roll in with little effort on your part. Keep in mind though, and this comes from the small bit I do know at this time, everything I've heard about making money with blogs is that it does take time and patience to reach a point where you can sell ad space on your blog, which I believe is the main way people make money on their blogs. You have to give a whole lot of time and attention to you blog in the beginning before you'll see it make a difference but once it does, it's pretty cool!
Click Here For A Video On How To Make Money Blogging
Click Here For A Video On How To Make Money Blogging
Monday, February 4, 2008
Keep Smiling
Everyone once in awhile I like to post a video to make my readers laugh. Laughter is so important in life and I am a BIG believer in it so get your laugh on and enjoy this funny clip.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Where To Find Bargains To Sell Online

I've always been really big on finding bargains. I have spent many of days browsing through second hand stores; places like GoodWill or Thrift stores. It wasn't until last year that I discovered what a great money-making opportunity is lying around these stores. You would be shocked what some people will just give away that is then sold super cheap for YOU to find. And then what's the next best thing...selling it on the web of course! I have friends that go to these stores in search of brand names that she turns into BIG profit. It might mean that you have to do a little research on the web about what's popular but it is very worth it. Find your local thrift stores and GoodWill and make a weekly trip to see what new things they have to offer. The best thing about it is that they are stocked with brand new merchandise on a daily basis so what you don't find today could be there tomorrow. Start your search and see what comes of it. You never know, you could be the next lucky one to make that great find that will fill your pockets with cash!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Selling On The Web
I've heard so many people talking about how awesome eBay is for making a little extra income from home. I agree that it's a great way to sell items but recenty I discovered a website that is all local items and I have sold SO much on there. It's I have had tremendous luck with that site and best of all it doesn't cost a thing. Also, the buyers are all local so there is no hassle of shipping. People coming to you to pick up their items. It's the perfect way to search through your house and get rid of all those things you no longer want or need. Have fun!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Here Is A Different Idea I Found On The Web
Today I found a video online that I wanted to share. Now let me say that I know nothing personally about making money this way but I can only share what I see and a little of what I know and unfortunately I don't know everything. (As if you needed me to tell you that! LOL)
Here is the video I found about making money previewing movies. Remember to NEVER buy anything but rather use the resources to get more ideas about how to research what's out there and legitimate. Good Luck!
Here is the video I found about making money previewing movies. Remember to NEVER buy anything but rather use the resources to get more ideas about how to research what's out there and legitimate. Good Luck!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Survey Companies That Really Do Pay
I have some really great news about two survey companies I have come across that not only cost nothing to join, but they really do pay!! Now remember it's not a fortune that you can make but it's money and we could all use a little extra money, right?Not all that along ago I went out in search of surveys to do for money and as I'm sure you can imagine I ran across so very many sites saying "sign up for this free trial offer and we'll pay you $5". How could I resist, right? Well, that got me into so much trouble. What I didn't realize or somehow missed in the fine print is that it's often times very difficult to get a hold of these companies that you are signing up for free trial offers. And that leads me to the next thing which is that if it's very difficult to get a hold of the company, it's very easy for them to not have to cancel your trail offer and therefore you end up getting charged a huge amount for things you didn't even have any interest in to begin with. Now only that but guess what, I didn't even get paid for signing up. So watch out for these types of sites. Here are the two survey companies I have had luck with. They are listed Below. Join me again tomorrow for more great advice about the journey to make money at home. God bless.
Click Here To Check Out GreenField Surveys
Click Here To Check Out American Consumer Opinions
Click Here To Check Out GreenField Surveys
Click Here To Check Out American Consumer Opinions
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Blogging For Money
Well just as my own personal experience, blogging is so far going pretty well. I would have to say that after only three days of doing it, I do think it could potentially be a good way to make a little extra income. I'd have to remind everyone reading this blog that it's important to remember that "get rich quick" jobs do not exist. Chances are that whatever you find to do as work from home will not only take lots of time to get just right, but may take even longer to see profit result from your efforts. Of course this experience isn't the same for everyone but for most of us it takes a lot of time and hard work to find the right work-from-home-job. I'm posting a cool video I found today that teaches a little about hot to get started on your blog if that's what you choose to do. Enjoy it and join me back here daily for more great tips. Until next time, God bless.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
A Warning About Sites Wanting Money
Some of you may already know this but it's a tip worth putting out there regardless of who has already heard. Beware of any site asking you to put money up front or buy any type of product from them to start an at home business. Most legitimate sites will not ask you for a single dime and very often the ones that do ask for money are a scam. There are exceptions such as with companies like LiveOps, they do ask you to pay $30 which is for the cost of them running a background check and that is okay. Mostly be aware of people wanting to you actually buy a product. Finding work at home is sometimes a tough road to travel on, however, as long as you don't get caught up in scams you won't do any harm.
Check out message boards like the one I added a link to in yesterday's post. Read what other people are saying about their experiences. That is always one of the best tools to use.
Check out message boards like the one I added a link to in yesterday's post. Read what other people are saying about their experiences. That is always one of the best tools to use.
Monday, January 7, 2008
A Great Message Board About Work From Home
Today is a great tip about message boards. I found a good one some time ago that is great for getting all sorts of ideas about different things you can do from home. A lot of people don't know where to get started or who to trust when it comes to searching for work from home so it's great to go to a popular message board where you'll be able to see first hand what has and has not worked for others along their paths to find work. Among the different topics include job opportunities you can look into, other peoples' comments about those specific jobs and what has worked well for them. And don't get discouraged when you sometimes run into someone sounding very negative about finding a good work from home opportunity. There are a lot of people out there in search of "Get Rich Quick Schemes" and those do not exist but you'll sure hear others complain about it so just ignore those downers that like to drag everyone else down with them. Finding work from home isn't easy but it is out there so just keep chucking along and you'll get there!!!
Click Here For A Great Message Board About Work From Home
Click Here For A Great Message Board About Work From Home
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Still Trucking Along
Another day working at this blogging thing. I love that so far it hasn't been that hard. I hope everyone who visits the site will leave their comments and suggestions about how we can build this site up into a great place to learn about ways to make money from home. It's a huge business, we just have to work our way into it.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
A Mom Going Nuts Trying To Help The Family Make Money
Hi everyone! My name is Katherine, I go by Kaylee on the web. I have two children, 8 and 3 years old. I've been a stay-at-home-mom now for 8 years and ever since I quit my job to stay home with my two kids, I've been searching far and wide for a way to make money without having to go back to a job that requires my kids being put in a daycare. I'm not trying to say that putting your kids in a daycare is a horrible thing to do. I am part of a big famliy where one of my siblings is blessed like myself to have an income generated by her husband that is substantial enough to sustain their life and keep mom at home with the kids. I then have two siblings who have had to go to work outside of the home because the income from one source was not enough. So, I know full well that different people struggle in different ways. I don't believe one way is better than another, it's just our way and how we as individuals cope with what God gives us. This is my personal way of sharing what has worked and has not worked for me in trying to make a little extra money from home. I hope you find it helpful if you are a person searching yourself for a way to stay at home with kids or family that needs you without having to worry about money.
It has shocked me how hard it seems it is to make money in a world that is so technology oriented. And the biggest thing that caused some huge frustration in my life was doing searches on Google and other similar sites trying to find out how everyone else was making money from home. Gosh the amount of crap generated off of a basic search like "How to Make Money at Home" got me into so much trouble. I was suddenly thrusted into all of these websites that promised "Huge Income" from minimal effort and time. Let's get serious right here and now, there is absolutely no way to make any kind of decent money from home without working hard at it and putting in a good amount of time.
I had a huge moment of success in June 2007 when I finally discovered my first truly legitimate way to make money from home. That finding was thanks to a clip I saw online from Good Morning Amercia about a company called "LiveOps". This is a telecommunications company that employs people working as contractors from their home taking calls for an aray of different "As Seen On TV" products. I'm not sure if I've described that exactly right but either way it is a terrific way to get started making good money working from home. The down side for me is that it does require a quiet working enviorment, which as you read before about me having two small children, this was a difficult thing to find for me personally. I worked around it as much as I could. I mostly worked in the evenings after the kids had gone to bed and when my husband was home to handle anything that came up. For instance, in my house, it is not extremely uncommon to have a kid come out from bed asking for a drink of water or complaining about whatever they can think of to complain about. Let's see, anything from "Mom, I'm hot" to "Mom, I was thinking that tomorrow we could go to McDonalds". Yeah, those little ones can sometimes think about anything to keep from going to bed. So, with the possibility in mind that the kids might wake up and disturb me, it was essential to only work when my husband was home so that he could deal with their needs while I worked quietly in our bedroom with the door closed. I still work with LiveOps when I can but that seems to become more and more rare. I do enjoy the work and I enjoy talking to so many different people, it's just difficult to find any sort of completely quiet time to work when you have a house with toddlers in it. It's not impossible but it is difficult. If you can somehow get around that issue though, it is a great way to make money from home and work when you want to, not when someone else says you have to.
My second attempt at a "Make Money From Home" was doing surveys. Oh my gosh, I don't even know where to begin on what a disaster this ended up being for me. I started out doing what I always do at the beginning of a new experience and I googled about the topic. Off I went with my search "Making Money Doing Surveys". This is yet another nightmare topic to google because of course you will be flooded with thousands of websites once again promising big bucks. I knew somebody who knew somebody else (yeah, you know how that goes) who was making a decent income completing surveys online so I figured what the heck, I'll give it a try because I love giving opinions. All I can say about the surveys is that yes, you can make money doing surveys but be SO careful where you are signing up to do them and also be certain that you do not fall for what I did which were all of the sites that promised money if you signed up for some kind of offer which didn't cost money up front but they did want your credit card information to bill you later if you didn't cancel a "trial offer" in the time allowed. My family is definitely on a budget and this is where I got into one of the worst disasters of all because I wasn't careful enough. I signed up for lots of different offers and even canceled within my time period. This is the trick though is that so many of these things are scams and even if you do call the right number and talk to the right people about canceling your membership, you still face unauthorized charges on your account because this is what these sites do...they take your money and there isn't a whole lot you can do about. So, research these things very carefully and don't do anything, not one single thing that requires you to give credit card information or any other type of billing info. I did find a couple of sites that were legitimate but even the two I found rarely send me surveys that fit my profile and a lot of times when they do they're already booked to their maximum number of people before I even get a chance to sign up. The two I found that were legitimate and didn't require me paying a dime were and I wish I could have found more but I'm not certain that even if I had that it would have been worthwhile for me.
This leads me to where I am currently and that is trying to make a little money off of blogging. This is yet another thing I hear so many people are making good money doing so we'll see if this time will be the charm for me. This is my third job attempt from home and the third one is supposed to be the charm so let's see what happens.
In closing I'd like to say good luck to all who venture out and try to find legitimate work from home. It is a very hard thing to do, however I do believe that if you have good common sense and a strong will then you can definitely be successful at anything you put your mind to. Good luck to us all who try so hard to make an extra income from home. Let's help each other figure it out and be successful!
It has shocked me how hard it seems it is to make money in a world that is so technology oriented. And the biggest thing that caused some huge frustration in my life was doing searches on Google and other similar sites trying to find out how everyone else was making money from home. Gosh the amount of crap generated off of a basic search like "How to Make Money at Home" got me into so much trouble. I was suddenly thrusted into all of these websites that promised "Huge Income" from minimal effort and time. Let's get serious right here and now, there is absolutely no way to make any kind of decent money from home without working hard at it and putting in a good amount of time.
I had a huge moment of success in June 2007 when I finally discovered my first truly legitimate way to make money from home. That finding was thanks to a clip I saw online from Good Morning Amercia about a company called "LiveOps". This is a telecommunications company that employs people working as contractors from their home taking calls for an aray of different "As Seen On TV" products. I'm not sure if I've described that exactly right but either way it is a terrific way to get started making good money working from home. The down side for me is that it does require a quiet working enviorment, which as you read before about me having two small children, this was a difficult thing to find for me personally. I worked around it as much as I could. I mostly worked in the evenings after the kids had gone to bed and when my husband was home to handle anything that came up. For instance, in my house, it is not extremely uncommon to have a kid come out from bed asking for a drink of water or complaining about whatever they can think of to complain about. Let's see, anything from "Mom, I'm hot" to "Mom, I was thinking that tomorrow we could go to McDonalds". Yeah, those little ones can sometimes think about anything to keep from going to bed. So, with the possibility in mind that the kids might wake up and disturb me, it was essential to only work when my husband was home so that he could deal with their needs while I worked quietly in our bedroom with the door closed. I still work with LiveOps when I can but that seems to become more and more rare. I do enjoy the work and I enjoy talking to so many different people, it's just difficult to find any sort of completely quiet time to work when you have a house with toddlers in it. It's not impossible but it is difficult. If you can somehow get around that issue though, it is a great way to make money from home and work when you want to, not when someone else says you have to.
My second attempt at a "Make Money From Home" was doing surveys. Oh my gosh, I don't even know where to begin on what a disaster this ended up being for me. I started out doing what I always do at the beginning of a new experience and I googled about the topic. Off I went with my search "Making Money Doing Surveys". This is yet another nightmare topic to google because of course you will be flooded with thousands of websites once again promising big bucks. I knew somebody who knew somebody else (yeah, you know how that goes) who was making a decent income completing surveys online so I figured what the heck, I'll give it a try because I love giving opinions. All I can say about the surveys is that yes, you can make money doing surveys but be SO careful where you are signing up to do them and also be certain that you do not fall for what I did which were all of the sites that promised money if you signed up for some kind of offer which didn't cost money up front but they did want your credit card information to bill you later if you didn't cancel a "trial offer" in the time allowed. My family is definitely on a budget and this is where I got into one of the worst disasters of all because I wasn't careful enough. I signed up for lots of different offers and even canceled within my time period. This is the trick though is that so many of these things are scams and even if you do call the right number and talk to the right people about canceling your membership, you still face unauthorized charges on your account because this is what these sites do...they take your money and there isn't a whole lot you can do about. So, research these things very carefully and don't do anything, not one single thing that requires you to give credit card information or any other type of billing info. I did find a couple of sites that were legitimate but even the two I found rarely send me surveys that fit my profile and a lot of times when they do they're already booked to their maximum number of people before I even get a chance to sign up. The two I found that were legitimate and didn't require me paying a dime were and I wish I could have found more but I'm not certain that even if I had that it would have been worthwhile for me.
This leads me to where I am currently and that is trying to make a little money off of blogging. This is yet another thing I hear so many people are making good money doing so we'll see if this time will be the charm for me. This is my third job attempt from home and the third one is supposed to be the charm so let's see what happens.
In closing I'd like to say good luck to all who venture out and try to find legitimate work from home. It is a very hard thing to do, however I do believe that if you have good common sense and a strong will then you can definitely be successful at anything you put your mind to. Good luck to us all who try so hard to make an extra income from home. Let's help each other figure it out and be successful!
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